the house, the environment and the water

The water is a life element in the nature, that many people would like to incorporate in their daily bases. Having a house by the ocean and seeing the power of the waves, a cabin next to a river and contemplating how the water runs or situating your home in front of a lake or pond being able to enjoy the lives that grow thanks to it

oceans, rivers, lakes…

These are different forms of water concentration that the nature gifts us with. We don’t have power over them. We can’t just ask them to situate themselves next to our houses. It’s so difficult to find available land by the ocean or next to a river or lake! And if we do, it’s very expensive or it’s impossible to build on it.

the water’s attraction

Who can resist to the water’s attraction?. The water is a calming element that brings peace when contemplating it. When we look at the life and the movement of it, it’s almost like if the time slowers down or even stops. It absorbs our negative thoughts and helps us reach interior balance. If someone lives in the nature, this life element should be present in any kind of way to be able to feel totally connected with the land we live on. Now we will show some images of the relationship that can be established between a house and the water, and how it can influence our lives.

We are sure that these images that we have just seen will not leave anyone feeling nothing. It’s difficult to not let the imagination run and feel the calmness that one has to have when surrounded by water.

We are sure that these images that we have just seen will not leave anyone feeling nothing. It’s difficult to not let the imagination run and feel the calmness that one has to have when surrounded by water.

a pond, something simple but sufficient

Nowadays, owning a house in the middle of the nature is complicated. A pond is a small concentration of water that we can sometimes find naturally. These are formed because of a waterproof layer that the land has due to certain materials that retain the water of the rain and don’t allow it to pass throw them.

The images that we have seen are examples of small ponds. They may not have the sice of an ocean, river or lake, but they are just as important. These will be the future home of many little lives.

nothing stops you from having a pond on your land

A pond is something different, something more modest. It can complete your life in the nature, offering you this contact with the water and the lives that brings with it. Creating a pond on your own property is something that the 100% of the people can have if wanted.

imagine it and then make it happen

Next to O Soutiño house, we are going to create a pond that will be part of the actual house’s functioning. This household and its inhabitants will be part of the life of it. The owners of this future house are a young couple and their two children. The father of these two, is a civil engineer who has the excitement and the knowledge to make an incredible pond on their property. He will help us understand how a pond is built showing the different steps of its creation and the key things that we have to keep in our minds when making one. Hopefully this will encourage more people to create one of their own next to their current or future home. You will see that is not as complicated as it may sound. To be continued…